For Investors


Learn about our financial and operational performance, upcoming investor events, share price and dividend information.

An ASX listed company and a trusted Australian agribusiness, Elders has played an important role in the agricultural sector for 185 years. Our expansive network across Australia offers links to markets, tailored advice and specialist knowledge across a range of products and services, including farm supplies, agronomy, livestock, wool, grain, finance, insurance, and real estate.  

Elders is committed to a sustainable and prosperous future for rural and regional communities and creating value for all stakeholders in the agricultural supply chain, across both Australian and international markets.  

Elders for Australian Agriculture.

Our Performance

View share price, dividends, AGM details, half and full year results, and periodic reports.


Read the Code of Conduct and other policies and charters that govern us. 

Announcements & Events

Read the latest and historic ASX announcements and view our investor event calendar. 

Shareholder Support

Learn who to contact if you have a question, how to manage your details and how to receive documents.

Our Businesses

Elders is headquartered in Adelaide, South Australia, but our expansive network reaches into every corner of Australia.

Our roots are in agriculture but our diverse business operations also cover real estate, insurance, and more.

Our Leadership Team

Meet the Board of Directors and Management Team who lead Elders. 


Sustainability is a core objective for Elders as we operate and grow.

Latest ASX Announcements

For all ASX announcements, including historic announcements please see the ASX Announcements page.