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Our hub for livestock news, analysis, market insights and support.
For great deals on crop protection and animal health products, fencing and general merchandise.
For the latest information on crop protection, animal health, seeds and more this spring.
The Australian rural property market cooled a little during the first quarter of 2024.
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Livestock Sales
Farm Supplies
For assistance across the production cycle with beef or dairy cattle, sheep & lambs or goats.
For expertise in all aspects of broadacre, horticulture and viticulture crops.
For help in maximising your wool production and clip.
Real Estate
For experience in rural, residential or commercial real estate Australia wide.
Rural & Farm Supplies
For animal health and crop protection products, irrigation, PPE and general merchandise.
Financial Services
For commercial and stud stock livestock funding options, home & commercial finance, insurance and more.
With a vast network of branches across Australia, the Elders pink shirt is never far away.
Do you want to work with one of the most respected names in Australian agriculture? We have roles in agronomy, livestock production, rural product sales, real estate, corporate roles and more.