
Matt Honner

Matthew (Matt) joined the Elders team in the South-East in 2022. He works with the staff at Elders Millicent and Elders Mount Gambier as an Agronomist.

Before working with Elders, Matt managed a sheep property near Kalangadoo as well as a working in a role with the SA and NT Governments in groundwater management. 

Agronomy is a new pathway for Matt, one that he is excited by and with the support of the wider Elders network, is something he is enthusiastic to learn more about. 

By combining what he already knows about running sheep properties, Matthew will be able to provide his clients with advice balanced between both technical knowledge and his own practical field work.

Away from his role at Elders you can find Matt coaching the under 10’s cricket team at Penola or surfing at Beachport.