Tilbury [gunda x jenny] is a commercial main crop, round type, suitable for processing.
With average maturity with very fast emergence, Tilbury produces smooth, cream skinned round tubers with cream skin and exceptionally high dry matter.
Grower information
Pest and disease resistance
Common Scab: n/a
Powdery Scab: n/a
Gangrene: n/a
Black Leg: n/a
Foliage Blight: n/a
Silver Scurf: n/a
Dry Rot: High
Tuber Blight: Moderate
Potato Leaf Roll Virus: n/a
Potato Virus Y: Very high
PCN RO1: Full
PCN pallida (2,3): Full
Black Dot: n/a
Rhizoctonia: n/a
Agronomic attributes
Dormancy: Fairly long
Damage resistance: Moderate
Bruising resistance: Moderate
Maturity: Main to late crop
Yield: High
Consumer information
Quality attributes
Skin Colour: Yellow
Skin Texture: Smooth
Flesh Colour: Cream
Dry Matter: 25 per cent - exceptional
Tuber Shape: Round
Uniformity of Shape: Good
Eye Depth: Fairly deep
Carbohydrate: 25 per cent
Cooking attributes
Tilbury is well suited for crisp processing and is ideal for wedges, chips and frying.
Ready to place an order?
Contact Elders' Potato Manager, Sharon Elphinstone.