Wool Certification Programs


Explore the range of certification programs which could help you achieve a higher price for your wool.

Why should you become certified?

Elders is proud to be an innovative leader in the wool industry, and we encourage our wool growing clients to be the same. With increasing demand from consumers for sustainability and traceability of wool products, becoming certified will help promote your clip to exporters, processors and retailers around the world. 


Our team can help you become certified in line with the following international standards.

Responsible Wool Standard (RWS)

A global standard which recognises best practice across the whole farm, acknowledging a progressive approach to animal welfare and land management.


Promoting a transparent supply chain. Authentico licenced wool is eligible for export to the Schneider Group's specialised mills in Italy and Egypt.


Managed by AWEX, SustainaWOOL provides benchmarks for minimum sustainability standards, prioritising traceability of the end product.


New Merino

Standards which recognise responsible wool production regarding the welfare of sheep and the land on which they graze.

Organic wool

Requires organic accreditation from a registered authority. Contact us to find out how we can help.

Market Insights

Keep up to date with the industry. Read about the latest news, innovations and wool sales reports, both domestically and internationally.

Learn more about how we can help with wool certification by contacting your local Wool Agent. 


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